由於要遷就幾位選手國外的比賽檔期,港摔下次的比賽將改為3月17日!這次比賽將會命名為「誕生」,AWGC輕量級冠軍Jason New將會對戰台灣選手,作為他的第二次腰帶防衛!除此之外,從英國回來的何顥麟及必文也會上場!Jeff Man、Kevin Man亦將會以新造型登場!萬勿錯過!我們會在農曆新年後,公佈比賽詳程及購票方法。!
Due to a schedule clash, the next HKWF event will be rescheduled to 17th March! This event will be name "Origin". AWGC Jr. Heavyweight Champion Jason New will be defending his championship against a Taiwanese wrestler. On the other hand, returning from England, Ho Ho Lun and Bitman will show what they have learned from the other side of the world! Jeff Man and Kevin Man will appear in a new gimmick! Don't miss this event! We will announce more information after Chinese New Year!